Weekly Love Horoscope for January 20th – 26th

Hi dear, and welcome to the weekly love horoscope reading for January 20th – 26th. We are getting deep into 2025 right now, and I really do mean deep. This week, with Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius and Mercury in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer, it is a particularly focused time when it is important to pay attention.

Right now, we need to develop a strong focus to use our intuition and be alert to both threats and opportunities. This is a time when there’s an awful lot going on at a subliminal or psychological level, and this can make love relationships in the dating game much more complicated.

Therefore, we have to be on red alert. It’s also a time when passions and feelings run high. It’s more likely that we will have clashes driven by ego with other people. We have to work harder to be understood, to get our point across, and to build bridges while putting in boundaries. This is certainly a time when everything we do requires strategic planning, greater clarity of thought, and a lot of gusto. 

However, Mars in Cancer is, of course, trining Uranus in Taurus, so with a bit of application and hard work, we can often see the breakthroughs that we desire. 

Here’s Your Weekly Love Horoscope for January 20th – 26th:

Read your weekly love horoscope, based on your Zodiac sign. Remember to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign for better accuracy…

Aries: Constructive Channeling

Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius calls for a moment of pause and perhaps even a life audit. You need to almost slow things down in your life so that you can understand the nuances and the energies that are driving the motives and ambitions within yourself and with other people.

It’s also very important to work harder at introducing depth and passion into relationships. This can be a fantastic time for both new and existing relationships to become more meaningful, but this means you have to understand what each other truly wants.

Therefore, some deeper conversations may be needed now. You tend to be fairly emotional right now, and sometimes, if things are bothering you, they tend to escalate. Often, it’s hard for you to keep your temper.

That’s why you need a little bit of space to blow off steam to truly understand what’s driving any angst you’re feeling so that you can channel those energies in a constructive way and have important conversations that will be meaningful and helpful. 

Taurus: Generate and revel in adrenaline

Mercury in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer makes you very impatient, but it’s so important right now to remember the old adage, “More haste, less speed.” It’s vital to be careful in journeys, but you also don’t want to fire off that text, email, or message to a loved one or someone you’re dating out of anger or in an impulsive moment.

So, don’t do any drunk texting and avoid participating in any random conversations that perhaps aren’t what you think they are. Always ask yourself, “What am I trying to gain here? Is this going anywhere?” This is not a good time for random encounters.

Now, Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius means there’s an awful lot to think about regarding career decisions, making a brand-new start in a new business, applying for a job, or coming to a really important decision that will affect the next few years of your life in terms of destiny.

With Mars in Cancer trining Uranus in your sign of Taurus, there’s a high-energy vibe now, and when it comes to marriage, it’s good to be active—doing outdoorsy things together, taking on some projects around the home. All of these are important to reinvigorate your zest for life. Building up a little bit of adrenaline can help feed into romance.

Gemini: Understand your perception deception

With Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius and the additional aspect of your ruler, Mercury in Capricorn opposite Mars, you can be feeling particularly territorial right now, and it’s more likely that energy is connected to obsession and control in relationships.

It’s so vital that you retain that Gemini objectivity right now, because you can be quite overwhelmed by emotions, and often your subconscious mind plays tricks on you.

This can also be a time when you feel more suspicious in relationships. You crave answers, but you aren’t necessarily getting them, and conversations are not necessarily productive because your partner may be very stubborn, or you may feel stonewalled.

So right now, the key to navigating relationships is to be patient, to observe, to try and find out what your partner’s triggers are, and to work out how perhaps your own fears and anxieties stemming from the past or previous relationships are causing you to misinterpret things.

It’s always important now to be reasonable in the short term, but keep an eye out for long-term trends in the relationship that could be problematic. 

Cancer: Reinforce expectations

Now, Mars is, of course, retrograde in Cancer, and this week it’ll be opposing Mercury in Capricorn and trining Uranus in Taurus. This does make you particularly impatient in relationships.

You don’t always have time for long-winded discussions, and you can be quite irritable with a partner who is a bad listener or who fails to support you.

You’re more likely to notice those times when your partner is forgetful, doesn’t follow through on promises, or raises your expectations, then leaves you hanging. You can be very unforgiving when this happens. 

You are quite perfectionistic in love; you strongly believe that if a relationship is worth doing, it has to be done properly, and you can quickly walk away from brand-new relationships when you feel the other person isn’t putting in the effort and lacks motivation to take the relationship to a new level.

Alternatively, you will also put a partner through the paces. You expect them to pull their weight and step up to the plate, and this can be a good time to allow a partner to understand your expectations going forward in the relationship and to create some clarity, even if there are some contentious issues to begin with.

Leo: Transform your expectations 

Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius is a double whammy when it comes to the relationships in your life, particularly long-term relationships and marriage.

This is certainly a period of some deep assessment and reevaluation so that you can accommodate each other’s individuality and needs. This is a time when some fundamental adjustments are needed to keep your relationship on track, and you both have to be able to face some uncomfortable truths.

So, this is a time when discussions are vital, when honesty is paramount, and also when a lot of great determination and some effort is needed to bring your relationship up to speed.

This is certainly a time when you can get out of a rut, but the positive is that even relationships that feel tattered can be restored. It’s all about a mindset. This is an incredibly powerful time for Leo to use the power of attraction.

So, if you’re looking for a brand-new relationship, focus on your thoughts, your presentation, and the way you project yourself. With a little bit of effort in this regard, you can draw a soulmate to you who will transform your life and be part of your 2025 story.

Virgo: Regenerate emotional balance

Mercury in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer can mean conflicts of interest when it comes to dating and relationships. It’s particularly important to be cautious and proceed with care, especially in brand new and online relationships.

Very often, there’s a fine line between friendships, friends with benefits, and new relationships that are simply experimental dalliances and which won’t gain entry into anything real. So, it’s vital to manage your expectations in terms of your own actions.

It’s also important that you’re honest with yourself. Are you really feeling it? Isn’t your relationship just some way to relieve boredom, or are you certain that you are getting the right signals from a person to pursue a relationship with them?

With Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius, this is also an excellent time to review your health goals. What a wonderful time to break habits, start positive new habits, and create a holistic beginning to 2025 where self-care and establishing good routines—not only in terms of work but in terms of romantic rituals and adequate amounts of individualism versus sacrifice in relationships—is so important to ensure success this year.

Libra: Reimagine your sex life

Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius is a fantastic sign for all Librans when it comes to romance and brand new relationships. So, if you’re looking for love, it’s a wonderful week to be out and about, meeting up with friends, going to events, or even attending a singles’ night or using a dating app. Because during this phase, things are ripe and ready for a brand new love relationship.

In terms of married life, an ideal time to create an uptick in your sex life by putting in a little bit of effort to enhance imagination and creativity in the way that you conduct foreplay and create a fertile environment in which you can both feel sexy, relaxed, and adult.

In fact, adult conversation is absolutely vital right now, so it’s great for you and a partner to have some time alone during evenings, or if you can possibly escape somewhere special.

Now, Mercury in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer indicates that things on the work front can be aggravating. So, what better excuse than to forget the work commitment and focus on love and passion?

Scorpio: Emotional revelation

For Scorpio, Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius is a sign of an emotional revelation—a reboot. Something important will be discovered by yourself this week, and that will be able to help you gain greater clarity and understanding, particularly within relationships and also family matters.

This is an important time to also pay attention to your own personal growth and development. You want to understand any way where your relationship, or in seeking a relationship, you are being too compromising or hiding your true self.

What’s important right now in relationships is the ability to express with spontaneity and honesty and to feel totally accepted and understood. If you feel a relationship is not delivering that kind of understanding and tolerance, it’s time for perhaps a pause or a break while you think clearly about your next step.

This can be a tricky time to be dating because your needs are more complex, and often brand new relationships can feel a little bit fickle or unsatisfying. So, if a relationship does get off to a good start right now, that’s a very good sign and an exceptional omen.

Sagittarius: Background and the backdrop

Mars in Cancer opposite Mercury in Capricorn can indicate a time for tricky conversations in relationships. This is a time which necessitates getting to the bottom of things.

So, while some caution is required and you shouldn’t wade in without an exit strategy, it is important that you and a partner are able to broach any recent issues that have been left unresolved from last year and begin to work on resolution right now.

Anything that’s unclear, misunderstood, or any ambiguity can be incredibly detrimental to the relationship as understanding can unravel and emotions can become entangled. That’s why you should strive to have conversations, even if difficult in the short term, to iron things out.

Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius definitely indicates an inquiring mind, and in brand new relationships, you are incredibly inquisitive. You’ll probably be on social media investigating love interests, following their Instagram, and trying to do as much background research as you can, which is quite a good thing because forewarned is forearmed in love.

Capricorn: Love Challenges and Champions 

Mars in Cancer opposite Mercury in Capricorn certainly indicates the potential for disagreements and some strong opinions when it comes to relationships. You and a partner may find yourselves at loggerheads.

However, often in relationships, some conflict is particularly creative because during this phase, there can be a breaking of ground and dismissing of taboos and an explosion of honesty that opens the door for better communication in the future.

So, this is a time where you sometimes have to take the rough with the smooth. There are ups and downs in all love relationships, but it’s so important to explore new ideas and solutions together.

The arguments are often caused by being in a rut and taking each other for granted. So, at the end of this week, you would have reignited a passion for the relationship and a sense of what needs to be done, and you will be on with a more proactive attitude.

Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius does mean that brand new relationships often have very important hurdles to be overcome, and it’s likely that if you fall in love right now, it’ll be with someone vastly different from yourself, and getting the relationship off the ground can be quite an exciting challenge.

Aquarius: Harness the your power

Sun conjunct Pluto in Aquarius indicates that you are about to get down to business. This is a time when you feel a rush of blood to the head, surging passion, and your innate determination and creativity really do come to the fore.

If there’s anything you want, now is a time to make plans to go for it, and it’s an ideal time to develop strategies, to do your mindfulness and to focus on your intention.

But let’s be clear, you have to know yourself well. This is not a time when you can be in denial. You must face the truth, harness the power of your own mind, and use positive thinking to understand the potentials of your relationship and how to exploit those, while also being mindful of positive solutions to any issues you might have in relationships or finding love. 

This is certainly a powerful time on a mental level; what you believe, you will manifest.

Pisces: Use fate to your advantage 

Mars in Cancer trine Uranus in Taurus is an ideal opportunity for you to learn new things about yourself and relationships. What’s required now is an open mind and a sense of discovery.

The most important thing for you right now, with Mars retrograde in Cancer, is developing greater awareness of what works or what doesn’t in your relationship. Sometimes it’s not worth putting effort into avenues that really don’t make a lot of difference to your relationship or your partner.

So often, this is a good time to just think about recent events, the outcomes, and try to understand the reactions and the domino effects of certain relationship strategies and decisions.

It’s very important not to be knee-jerk; there’s an awful lot going on under the surface, and very often you can be self-sabotaging. That’s why you need to think about your impulsive reactions to things and the things that make you feel good in the moment—are they really appropriate? That’s what you need to distinguish and analyze right now.

In terms of seeking love, this is a time for a whole different approach. You may have become really frustrated with the superficiality of the dating game, especially if you’ve been using apps. Now is a time to perhaps focus on fate, develop the right mindset, and learn to attract love rather than to seek it in the wrong places.


With Mars retrograde in Cancer and Sun conjunct Pluto, this is definitely a time of heightened emotions, passions, intensity, and also instinctual awareness. This is a time when all of us can tune in to the vibe, the atmosphere, and yet we must act carefully because very often our impulsive reactions to relationships and to situations are not necessarily the right ones.

We can be overcome by emotions which cloud our judgment. That’s why it’s very important to understand things, take time to reflect, let the emotions wash over, and then make good decisions. It can be a really good time for decisions which reflect a deeper analysis of the situation, and that’s more likely to have the impact that we want.

Key phrases for this week:

Intensity, Ego awareness, Psychological games, Questioning, Deeper levels of awareness, Decisions, Conflict

See you again next week.

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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