Weekly Love Horoscope for October 21st – 27th

Hello sweethearts, and welcome to the weekly love horoscope for October 21st – 27th, and it’s a disseminating moon with Sun moving into Scorpio. You shouldn’t stress about things that are outside of your control, remember to take it easy and finalize any admin, paperwork or learning before the retrograde period.

Sun is leaving Libra and is nearing a square with Pluto which is now direct in the final degree of Capricorn, so it’s especially important to use your emotional intelligence and be aware of what is being said between the lines.

What is important is often obscure, so be a detective and use your intuition because it will be needed to navigate relationships. It’s the Disseminating Phase of the Moon, thus issues or projects which approached completion at the Full Moon are ready to be finalized. This aids communications, so understand what you believe and your purpose and then spread it to the world. 

Your thinking is deliberate, cautious and organized, and your conclusions will be logical and easily understood by other people. Mars in Cancer is also a slightly more tentative energy, so what we are looking at this week is a very productive and awesomely powerful phase, but also one that cannot be mismanaged.

A high amount of mindfulness, understanding of underlying emotions, and the use of psychic ability and intuition is required to get the most out of it. So, let’s unpack it.

Here’s Your Weekly Love Horoscope for October 21st – 27th:

Read your weekly love horoscope, based on your Zodiac sign. Remember to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign for better accuracy…

Aries: Thunder only happens when it’s raining

With Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus, there can be a sudden surge of turbulent emotions that arise within you. Your subconscious is alerting you to something that’s just not right and you may need to ponder recent events or decisions to ensure they sit right with you.

Sun in Scorpio square Pluto can bring up issues related to power struggles and control in relationships. You may feel a strong need to have discussions and engage with your partner about sensitive matters, but this can also lead to conflict in the short run, even though it’s necessary to move things forward.

It’s important to be mindful of how you use your personal power and not to tackle sensitive issues too directly. However, I’m not suggesting sweeping things under the carpet either, so gently but firmly does it.

This week can rake up concealed emotions and desires that may be causing inner conflict. You may feel a strong need to release pent-up emotions or express yourself in a way that feels authentic and true to yourself.

It’s important to honor your feelings and find healthy outlets for emotional expression, such as journaling, talking to a trusted friend, or engaging in creative activities.

In relationships, events this week can bring up intense emotions and so it’s important to communicate honestly and openly with your partner, while also respecting their aspirations and red lines. 

Taurus: Sew Saw, Jaw Jaw

With Pluto your 7th ruler square Sun in Scorpio, and Mercury in your 7th trine Saturn, your partner’s behavior can be challenging, but in a strange way, although you may not initially agree with him, you kinda know he’s onto something.

There can be a powerful clashes between the desire for change and transformation within you and the need for stability in your marriage. This week can bring significant upheaval and transformation, via your partner or the significant others in your life, but this is only reflecting a need for change within yourself that you aren’t fully aware of.

Communication in your relationship is really important, but it should be totally free and random. Allow yourself and your partner to throw ideas around fearlessly, brainstorm and don’t take offence as the key right now is thinking out of the box and not self-censoring.

It’s liberating to be totally honest and not to hold back, you may not like everything you hear, but you could also be pleasantly surprised at some of the creative solutions and different personalities that emerge.

This week’s transits can unearth hidden desires and fears that may be causing you to fail in romance. This week you will have an AHA moment of clarity which helps you to understand how to go forward in your romantic endeavors.

Remember, you are most successful in dating when you are true to yourself and when you date people who challenge you on an intellectual level.

Gemini: Thinking your way to success

Sun in Scorpio square Pluto in your solar 8th house represents a very important, even landmark week, in terms of how you understand life and communicate with your partner.

It’s important to expand your awareness and be mindful, because deep psychological insights will occur which will be transformative in terms of how you understand your relationship dynamics.

This is an outstanding week to use positive thinking to wash away any negative or limiting thoughts that might pervade your love life or even your work relationships. Remember, the power is yours and it all starts with adapting and rewiring your thoughts for success in romance.

So, take a moment to reflect and then begin to use positive affirmations and new, proactive mantras and you will project optimism and renewal into your relationship, which can have a significant impact on the outcome of your communication in marriage or your dating success.

This week, a deep and penetrating understanding of yourself will help you tackle bad attitudes, and any tendency to paranoia, fear or suspicion can be arrested and turned into a more positive emotion.

Positive transformations in thinking and communication can supercharge love.

Cancer: Love Explosion

Sun enters Scorpio which rules your house of romance and it’s square Pluto in your solar first, meaning there may be a significant shake-up in terms of your romantic life. It’s time for a reboot in communication in your marriage, and possibly a new relationship could be formed with the help of social media.

The fifth house is associated with pleasure, leisure, and fun, and Mercury which is in that house is a planet of variety and so it’s a week that promises a kaleidoscope of interesting experiences for you to enjoy, but hold onto your hat because it’s also going to be a bumpy road, as you tend to attract quite bizarre experiences romantically.

The key in new romance and in restoring romance in your marriage is about thinking radically and having a love revolution that can bring a vital energy that was missing before.

You will experience a strong urge to break free from routines and explore new ways of expressing yourself. You may feel more confident in your artistic talents and will come up with fresh ideas for creative projects.

It’s essential to keep an open mind during this transit and embrace the opportunities that arise, as overall this week can be a time of excitement and growth, as you explore new avenues of self-expression and personal fulfillment through quite thrilling love adventures.

Leo: Aiming for the stars

Mars is sextile Uranus in your solar tenth house and your ruler is square Pluto and this can bring about some unexpected and rather curious experiences in the area of your career and public life…

However, this placement can also impact love and relationships, particularly in terms of the type of partner that you are attracted to and the way that you approaches relationship. It’s certainly a time where you are drawn to powerful people who could totally disrupt your life, but to whom you are deeply and magnetically drawn.

There may be a tendency towards seeking partners who are unconventional or rebellious in terms of societal norms. You may be attracted to partners who are very intelligent, highly strung or unconventional, or who have unique and innovative careers or lifestyles.

You may also find that your own career or public image is a key factor in your attraction to others, and you may seek partners who support your professional goals or who share similar aspirations.

As a Leo, you are quite independent and a reluctant to want conform to traditional relationship structures or the expectations of others and you may be more interested in open or non-traditional relationships.

Marriage partner’s have to adapt to your quickly changing ideas and ambitions, as this is a highly dynamic time when you require flexibility.

Virgo: Honesty is the best policy

With Mars sextile Uranus in Taurus, there may be a tendency for communication to be unclear, confusing, or inconsistent in romantic relationships. This week brings a challenge in expressing emotions and feelings clearly and directly with your partner.

There may be a tendency to avoid confrontation or difficult conversations, leading to misunderstandings and miscommunications. There may also be a tendency to idealize a new romantic partner or overlook red flags in the relationship.

However, as Sun and Mercury are in your solar 3rd house, with awareness and effort, the energies this week can also provide an opportunity for more honesty and thus a more authentic and dynamic connection in your relationships.

Developing your intuition and ability to think in your feet, as well as learning to communicate your ideas more effectively is important. Be honest and open with your partner, even when it is uncomfortable or difficult.

Libra: I’ve got you under my skin

This week with Sun entering Scorpio square Pluto, you are lightly to have very strong, passionate feelings about things. Libra are people who like to be on affectionate and romantic, you like to know that your  relationship means something, and right now it’s very important for you to be purposeful and proactive in terms of intimacy. The planets are challenging you to be authentic and ardent, so say what you mean and mean what you say.

In terms of relationships and love, it’s possible to develop very strong feelings towards something. Love relationships can be a little bit love-hate because opposites definitely do attract.

So, if you find that your partner is aggravating you, it may be a little bit of sexual tension, and if you find that you’ve met a new guy and he really gets under your skin, that could mean there’s actually potential for a relationship there.

Mars sextile Uranus means it’s very important to think quickly and be decisive in terms of finances, so you’re less likely to want to run things by with your partner. You want to take matters into your own hands.

You also have lower impulse control, so if something grabs your eye, you’re probably going to go for it and buy it in spite of any ructions it might cause in a relationship.

Scorpio: Mystic Meg

This week is an especially psychic week for Scorpio, with Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces you are more aware of undercurrents in your relationship and if there’s any subtle controlling behavior or manipulation, you are more likely to be wise to it.

However, it’s best to avoid confrontation in relationships, so observe, take note and carefully redraw your boundaries to ensure that there is an adequate balance of give and take in relationships from now.

Sun enters Scorpio as it squares Pluto and it’s quite important for you to be free thinking and independent this week. Resist saying ‘yes: for the sake of it, form your own opinions independent of your partner.

It could be the case that there’s a lot of coercive or subtle control going on, and thus whether you express your opinions out loud or keep them to yourself, it’s very important for you to be aware of where your mind starts and your partners mind ends. You don’t want to be subtly absorbing your partner’s opinions his toxicity or his issues.

Therefore good relationships right now are about you maintaining your independence of spirit, and this also mean having some free time away with your friends, without your partner, to make sure you have a perspective.

Sagittarius: Upside down

With Sun and Mercury in your solar 12th house , there may be a sense of inner conflict or tension in your emotional and romantic life.

In terms of love, this week can indicate a challenge in finding harmony and balance between the need for self-expression and your desire for a stable emotional connection with a partner. There may be a tendency to project your inner conflicts onto your relationships, leading to misunderstandings, arguments, or emotional distance.

However, with self-awareness and conscious effort, this aspect can also provide an opportunity for beautiful spiritual growth and self-discovery. By acknowledging and embracing your emotional needs while remaining true to your core identity, you can find a deeper sense of fulfillment and connection in your romantic relationships.

Strive for compromise and understanding in relationships as with work, you and your partner can find a balance between your individual priorities and hopes, and your shared goals and values.

Capricorn: The dam wall is breaking

This week is set to be ready special when it comes to romance and you are in for a treat. Sun entering Scorpio square Pluto in Capricorn generates an atmosphere of passion, and romance has extra intensity and meaning.

If you’re single, it’s the perfect time to put yourself out there and explore new relationships. You may find that someone special, although quite unusual, catches your eye and gets your heart pumping.

If you’re in a relationship, prepare for a week when the extent of your loyalty and commitment to each other is more apparent. You and your partner will connect on a deeper level, and you’ll be reassured that your relationship is stronger than before, and also more resilient. Use this time to focus on each other, and don’t be afraid to express your feelings openly and honestly.

However, as Pluto magnifies desire, be cautious of letting your emotions get the best of you or becoming controlling. As a Capricorn, you tend to be sensitive and emotional, which can sometimes lead to crossed wires with your partner.

Remember not to communicate unless you feel able to be clear and calm, try and recognize when you getting ahead of yourself and reading too much into things, either in a positive or negative way.

With Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus, this week is a time to breathe life into your relationship and while the energies can be a little turbulent, embrace whatever emerges from the passions as it’s not just about love and romance, it’s about the true extent to which you reveal yourselves to each other.

Aquarius: Pride and Passion

This week the Sun, your relationship ruler, enters Scorpio while squaring Pluto which is about to head into Aquarius, indicating a week of heightened emotional pressure and sometimes confrontation in relationships. If you’re single, it’s a very fruitful time to meet someone new in bizarre circumstances connected to work.

You may find yourself drawn to someone who shares your same enthusiasm for their career or for politics are yourself. Don’t be afraid to take the first step in approaching a potential new beau and let them know how you feel, because this may well pay off.

If you’re in a relationship, this is an important time to let your partner know what you really think, as it’s impossible to put up and shut up. In many cases, your partner will be pleased that you are opening the way for some debate and renewed honesty after a period where you both may have been bottling things up.

Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn means you and your partner may decide to try a slightly different approach to a problem or sexual issue you have been facing for a while. While it’s a good time to do something that excites you both, it’s important to be pragmatic, as it’s not a good idea to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Be careful not to let your pride get in the way of good decision making. You can sometimes come across as arrogant, especially when you have strong feelings about a subject, which can often cause your partner to hold back and not be totally forthcoming. So good decision making and teamwork in your relationship is all about getting that ego under control.

Pisces: Rainbow after the shower

With Mercury in your 9th house trine Saturn in Pisces, there can be a significant shift in your beliefs, perspectives and worldview and this may because you to want to backtrack on recent decisions or commitments related to love.

This week you will feel a sudden desire to break free from old patterns and start looking at things in a different way. You may experience a sudden urge to travel, study a new subject, or engage in spiritual practices that are different from your usual rig morale.

These feelings are strongly related to a pressing desire for personal development and greater fulfilment, you are more concerned about what’s missing in your life and you want to go in search of answers.

You will encourages your partner to step outside of your comfort zone and embrace new experiences and perspectives, but sometimes it can be hard getting him onto the same page as yourself.

Sudden events, even if they throw you a curve ball, are actually a part of your subconscious speaking to you through fate and nudging you to step into a different phase of personal challenge.

With Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus, this week is characterized by a burning need for greater freedom and independence. You may feel a need to explore radically different relationships or seek out partners who share your newfound interests and beliefs.

It’s important to communicate openly with your partner and avoid making sudden, impulsive decisions that could negatively impact the relationship.

My Final Words For The Week Of October 21st…

Sun square Pluto, Sun in Scorpio, and Mercury in Scorpio represent an intense body of energy that will be affecting all of us, encouraging us to ask searching questions, to be vigilant in relationships, and to keep our eyes wide open because Scorpio is the sign that’s observant, alert, and wary.

Key themes to capitalize on this week.

Desire, Subtlety, Passion, Transformation, Creativity, Karma, Embracing the unexpected

See you again next week.

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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