Weekly Love Horoscope for October 14th – 20th

Hello sweethearts, and welcome to the weekly love horoscope for October 14th – 20th. With Mercury entering Scorpio, and Venus in Scorpio opposite Uranus, this week has a dynamic and expressive element and affection and chemistry comes alight. It’s a time to express your natural flair, be charismatic and dramatic in your way of conveying your thoughts and ideas.

This is a creative and intense time and your ideas are often bold and daring. Express a strong sense of personal identity and express opinions with conviction and flair.

Relationships tend to be vibrant, passionate, and sexually expressive. Giving compliments and sharing affectionate words is essential. Creativity, confidence, and dramatic flair make this week great for effective communication and romance.

Mars is in Cancer, this signifies a deeper emotional connection and a strong need for security and comfort within partnerships. You value the nurturing and supportive side of relationships that provides a sense of belonging and emotional stability.

Mercury square Pluto brings intense and transformative energy to the realm of communication, thinking patterns, and mental processes. This transit represents a powerful and potentially challenging energy that influences the way you think, communicate, and process information. It brings intensity, depth, and a probing nature to your mental and verbal expressions.

Mercury Pluto can also manifest as intense and confrontational communication tendencies, power struggles, manipulative behaviors, or a need to control conversations and situations. You may engage in debates or arguments with a relentless and determined approach, often aiming to win or uncover the truth at all costs.

Here’s Your Weekly Love Horoscope for October 14th – 20th:

Read your weekly love horoscope, based on your Zodiac sign. Remember to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign for better accuracy…

Aries: Rebel Nature

With Venus in Scorpio opposite Uranus, never mind the Devil inside, you are now more in touch with the rebel inside, and that is irrespective of age. You are ready to connect with the inner child, and that means giving yourself permission to be outrageous and to defy the rules.

This is a ‘rules are made to be broken’ time in your life when you set less store by routines and convention and look to shatter preconceptions and limiting ideas, especially those imposed by others.

Events in romance are sudden – love can hit you like a train right now and sweep you away. Relationships, in general, are more unpredictable and also unstable; you cannot rely on them in a way you usually would, but you are inspired to break out of any ruts which have become counterproductive and stifling.

Any relationship in which you are controlled or held back is in jeopardy, and you can end things quite abruptly. Even in ongoing relationships, you can surprise your partner with a sudden change of heart or come home with a mountain bike and plans for a trip to the nearest rural area for a weekend of adventure.

New relationships which start now will not follow the same paths as others have in the past; in fact, ‘path’ may not be the right word as you will not be cruising along one track, you will be bouncing along like a kangaroo and feeling rather out of control, but quite enjoying the experience.

Any dating experience that is new to you can be successful, and this is certainly a time when unconventional relationships, age gap relationships, same-sex or gender fluid relationship can work our well and contribute to understanding your own sexual nature more fully.

Taurus: Play that game

Taurus are very successful in love relationships both new and old this month, as you know how to play the game of love. You are very good at identifying what is needed in any situation, what you partner or lover wants and expects and how to give them what they need or indeed to give the impression that you are giving them what they need.

With Mercury in Scorpio square Pluto, you may engage in mind games and perhaps you do not always mean what you say precisely, you are however fully aware of what you need to say.

You enjoy debate and conversation in love and you are very good at relaxing your partner and getting them to open up to you, you will draw out all sorts in interesting information. You can get your partner to reveal much for very little information from you in return, you are able to speak freely without actually saying much.

If you are looking for love, you can become bored rather quickly and you can find it hard to put your finger on what it is that people are doing wrong, you just drift form one date to another enjoying the process but not getting hooked into the love vibe with any one person.

Love is somewhat a superficial concept to you right now: in dating and even in marriage, love is having fun and enjoying the moment, your deeper side is almost off limits, like you don’t want to go there.

This is certainly a time where you put on your game face and let the rest of you catch up. You know when to use flattery to get what you want.

Gemini: Sincere and authentic 

You are not bottling up; when you feel something, your partner will get the low down in a full blast of stereo not the mute option. The neighbors may get to know how you feel too as some arguments can be quite loud especially if you are with a Scorpio or Leo.

Often your emotional outbursts are due to you not feeling as if you have as much control of your love life as you would like – events could be moving too quickly, or perhaps you are confused about the direction or suspicious about your partner’s motivations. 

You are very sensitive to rejection or coolness, but in some cases, you are too sensitive and you may jump at shadows. This is not an easy month for new relationships, and there could be a little too high a dose of emotion for such a fledgling relationship. However, if you are with a Cancer or Pisces, this can work in your favor as these signs love that emotional authenticity.

You are very sincere right now – you cannot keep a lid on feelings, and you don’t want to; you want to say it like it is and that really helps relationships in the long run even if it does come out of nowhere and is a little shocking in the short run. A sense of completeness is often sought via relationships, and that can lead you to jump into relationships on a whim or just for that feeling of togetherness even if you are not at all compatible.

Being single now is harder than at other times as your self-esteem will tend to be lower if you are unattached, but those feeling should be examined closely and you need to grow out of the need for a soul mate to make you complete. When you feel complete, that is when you attract the right person, not the other way around.

Cancer: Green Eyed Monster

A very passionate and intense week, as with Mercury in Scorpio square Pluto, full blown love affairs can arise out of nothing. Hate is very close to love – something worth remembering. The one you love can bring out the very best and very worst in you, and passions are often inflamed.

Conflict situations should be avoided, and when the volcanic lavas of anger rise, it is better to walk away. Some time spent apart from you marriage partner can only be a good thing as with the heightened intensity, things can be like a pressure cooker and can spiral either up or down, and so you need that distance to see a perspective.

Cancer are certainly daring in love, and not much will deter you from pursuing the one you have your eye on – you must be careful of fixation, as this is a time when romantic feelings are very intense and often take over the senses.

Loyalty is a massive issue, and this week, events will test that loyalty by throwing you both conundrums which can be very revealing of how far you will both go to defend or stand by each other.

Jealousy cannot be underestimated, and yet it is within your power to control the effects and the power it has over you – jealousy is one of the most powerful and destructive emotions, and it can cause havoc in relationships.

However, Cancer can use jealousy to transform your approach to the other in the relationships and also use it as a driver of self-awareness and understanding.

Leo: Special Mission

With Mercury in your solar fourth house, married Leo may have to cope with being alone as your partner is likely to be away on business or perhaps is pursuing an interest very close to his heart that you have no interest in – it may be a challenge for you to accept the ways in which your partner is so very different to you and how those ways almost take him away from you to a place you cannot understand.

You should develop your own special missions, personal to you – something that gives you an outlet away from the relationship. Leo have a great deal of charm and a positive energy, and yet you can go overboard in relationships, especially new ones, setting your sights high and having great expectations which are almost impossible to meet.

With Mars in Cancer, you can be a little rollercoaster: going from hot and quickly to cold when your route map for the relationships no longer matches reality. You are very affectionate and also very demanding; you put much energy in, and yet your partner (no matter what he does) may not be able to totally satisfy you.

You need to balance your own energy and keep your emotions in check or limit the fluctuations. Couples who are very socially active and who spend time around friends and going out will have fewer problems as you can burn off your abundance of energy in the wider groups rather than expecting one person to fulfil your needs. 

Virgo: Revelation

With your ruler square Pluto, your attitude to love is more sober and reflective this week with you coming to terms with harsh realities and deeper psychological issues at play – it may be that these issues have come to light as you have matured and become more savvy and/or just woken up or maybe the relationships is new and you are learning more about your new lover.

Now, the question is, are the issues you see revealing themselves ones which you can deal with, are they worth dealing with, and do you want to deal with them?

Virgo are projecting a more mysterious persona, and you may attract someone who is an important stepping stone on a journey you are on, especially if you are in a zone where you are focusing on meditation, prayer, and the power of connecting with a universal source or higher source.

Many relationships that start now will have a strong karmic bond – you may have met in a past life, and you may have extraordinarily acute ESP together.

Understand yourself better and recognize certain gut reactions to things which are either useful or not – time to analyze, understand, and change these unhelpful and often self-destructive reflect emotion reactions.

This is a very good time to reflect; they often say hindsight is 20 20, but how often did we actually see what was coming but were in denial so far down the trajectory that we thought it was too late to change? You can get out of anything, and so never be scared to put a stop to something you feel is headed for a crash landing. So, a time of internal troubleshooting.

Libra: Union and solidarity 

Mars, your solar 7th ruler is in Cancer, this is associated with partnership, marriage, and committed relationships and it suggests that relationships and partnerships play a significant role in shaping your sense of self and identity.

You must be careful not to be a chameleon, as while it can be safe and practical to define yourself through your close connections as a way to establish a strong sense of partnership and harmony in your life, you shouldn’t sacrifice your integrity.

You are typically relationship-oriented and will prioritize your most meaningful connections. This week you possess an innate desire to restore balance in your personal and professional life. Your need for companionship is strong and you may feel a sense of completeness when a relationship is getting closer and more committed.

This is an excellent week for renewing your commitment to personal growth and self-improvement through relationships. Partnerships are opportunities for personal development and you may actively seek partners who can help you grow and evolve. The level of fairness, equality, and mutual respect in your relationships is often a deciding factor as to the viability right now.

Someone new may come into your life, someone who acts as a guide on a spiritual rather than a practical level and can help you make sense of things and begin to sort out your emotions and your past, turning events into valuable experiences not just a list of anecdotes.

You are able to draw potential lovers towards you like a magnet, and yet you are rather mystical and elusive, which adds greatly to your appeal. You are very much more open right now, which is a positive as it encourages new people to quickly respond to you on a deeper emotional level, but it can also be a negative if you don the rose colored glasses and develop an idealized image of your new love – either way, it should work out well.

Scorpio: Flirting and family

This is a time of great activity, relatives coming to stay, more interaction with friends and colleagues, trips to make, and this serves as a great distraction in love which is quite welcome.

Your focus is off you both, and so this can dilute any tension and give you new things to talk about which improve communication. It is a more light-hearted phase with interesting interactions and a quicker pace to life that seasons your life with some needed flavor.

A greater degree of detachment and objectivity allows Scorpio to see where you may be exacerbating problems and how you could and should tackle tricky issues or conflict situations better.

This is a potentially light-hearted and fun time in love, it can also be a very productive time where you generate new ideas about how to solve issues to do with children, routines, and sex; however, it is just as easy to take the easy way out, adopt an avoidance strategy, and just defer any problems to next month.

Scorpio are highly flirtatious, but you lose interest fast and may prefer to dip your toe into the pool of romance rather than take a full swim. You are more assertive in relationships; you are surer of what you want and are not afraid to say so even if it causes an argument.

It can be a time of conflict in relationships, but it is also a time of renewal. They say that if you want to make omelets, you have to break eggs, and if you want to break out of situations in love that have become stifling and unproductive, a few arguments may be needed to set new parameters. 

Sagittarius: You can go your own way

You can feel new avenues opening up, and even if a dramatic change in career does not happen now, you may sow seeds that will result in significant openings in a few years’ time. Sagittarius can hone in on what is most essential to progress and regarding transformation and work on it with zest.

You have a desire to be free and unique, and you react quite strongly to anything which appears to restrict or restrain. You may, however, be going about this all the wrong way and arousing opposition among those who you perceive wrongly are standing in your way.

Things can go your way if you are just a little more patient and also observant; you can be so busy that you miss the obvious details which are helpful and not a hindrance. If your partner keeps dredging something up over and over again, you need to tell them to get over it.

This is a month of inner emotional turmoil, and feelings have to be grappled with – it is not possible to sweep things under the carpet, and instinctive reactions are often quite intense.

However, this month can be a very valuable one, if handled right, for learning more about yourself and for ridding a relationship of baggage. In new relationships, this can be a battleground time where some boundaries and rules begin to emerge and also where you discover some red lines regarding your own views/needs that you did not even know were there.

Capricorn: Deep dive on love

Capricorn are very sensitive to rejection this week, and that means both emotional and intellectual rejection – that can make you go overboard with the people pleasing in order to win approval.

The more you do for others, the less they often appreciate or respect you, and so you have to make sure that fear of rejection leads to positive self-improvement and self-evaluation rather than simply turning on the charm and becoming an emotional contortionist trying to please everyone. This applies not only to romantic, but also to all your relationships both personal and professional.

Daily concerns tend to fade, and you become motivated by deeper concerns and needs, including your need to be free of restrictions imposed from the outside, obligations and responsivities. This is a good time for a weekend away or to spend free time in a totally spontaneous way seeing where the whim takes you. 

You seek more depth and intensity in love and relationships. You are impatient with banter and chit chat and will implore your partner to get into conversations about things which are closer to your heart and also closer to the bone in many ways.

Regarding dating, flirting and casual interactions are not your thing; you seek meaningful conversations and get quickly bored by anything mechanical or flippant. You will not linger on the superficial side of dating; you want to get to know the person deeply early on so you can really get to grips with what he has to offer.

Even a little drama and anger in a relationship is good as long as it leads to better understanding and the meaningful unearthing of issues. You cannot bear pretenses now, and you seek to root out anything which lurks beneath the surface.

Aquarius: Sexual Sanctuary 

This week you will fight about the small things as some sort of release – it is almost as if you do not want to mention the bigger issues at stake and an argument about the small things can release a little tension.

You have to be careful, however, not to seem petty as it can be a little obvious that you are looking to bicker due to your overall stress levels. You have to be really careful not to take your frustrations out on a partner as this is a relationship killer and many signs like Taurus, Cancer, Gemini, and Capricorn just cannot handle it, and they start brooding.

Now, you are less present regarding the love relationship – your mind is elsewhere, and you may talk nonstop about work or issues around your home, and you may just ignore your partner’s attempts to get lovey-dovey or to change the mood from serious to playful. 

Aquarius want to talk to their partner about major decisions, but you sense he is just not as anxious or as concerned as you are and their level of response does not do much to console or put your mind at rest.

Tension can make good sex difficult even though great sex would do you the world of good regarding relaxing you. Somehow you cannot switch off long enough to get involved.

Some spontaneous sex in a new location could be just what you need. You are very resourceful and ingenious at solving problems – if in doubt you will not hang about for help to arrive, you will use your wits and roll up your sleeves, get stuck in and sort it out. You have a good grasp of mechanical workings and can figure out how things click together and where the problem lies.

Pisces: Enigma and red lines

Uranus activated this week indicates heated arguments about money are possible, and it is not just about money it is about control and if you have control over the money decisions you effectively have control. Fights about money may be about boundaries, values in general and finding out where control lies then attempting to get some back or consolidate.

This is a time when you feel more like an individual in a relationship, than a pair or couple, as the sense of separateness and of having distinct identities and inner drives or opinions is palpable.

Differences of opinion tend to drive a wedge and although you can pretend you are still amiable and affectionate that gulf still acts like a cold shower on true passion.

In dating, it is time for a new approach – perhaps you need to rewrite your dating profile, change your picture or forget that approach altogether. Whatever you have been doing, you need to can that and get back to the drawing board. Are you dating for fun and treating it like a lottery?

In that case, pubs and clubs and random meeting are fine. However, if you are looking for a serious relationship, start thinking about where the type of person you are looking for hangs out (probably not at a pub or club or tinder), maybe not an easy question, but the answer is worth hunting for.

You can be a real enigma this month as the way you approach to people and problems defies the convention, You have a unique take on situations and are looking for roundabout solutions which, to some may look like you are taking a very long route around and to others may look like you are avoiding the problem altogether.

My Final Words For The Week Of October 14th…

You deeply value emotional intimacy and if single will seek a partner who can create a sense of emotional security. Trust and loyalty are of utmost importance this week. Seek emotional intimacy, stability, and a sense of home within your relationships. 

This week challenges you to confront hidden truths, investigate deeply, and transform your thought patterns. When balanced, this week’s energy can lead to profound insights and personal growth, but it requires awareness and conscious effort to avoid negative manifestations.

Key themes to capitalize on this week.

Desire, Creativity, Passion, Awareness, Creativity, Emotional understanding, Truth

See you again next week.

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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